Petrochemical industry Petrochemical industry

Petrochemical industry
Petrochemical industry

Petrochemical industry



Ukrainian Petroleum is the country’s first private petrochemical enterprise, which in May 2021 became part of the AES Group investment industrial group. The ambitious goal of Ukrainian Petroleum, supported by real capabilities, is to produce Euro 5 fuel in Ukraine that meets the world premium quality standards.




Ukrainian Petroleum produces benzene for chemical synthesis and hexane solvent with a purity of up to 99.9%. The technological process is based on the processing of gas condensate and light hydrocarbon gas condensate exclusively from Ukrainian production companies.

A product of this quality significantly enhances the export potential and the domestic market of the country. The key advantage is high competitiveness and the ability to replace more expensive imported analogues.

Ukrainian Petroleum is equipped with licensed world technologies. About $ 200 million will be invested in modernization and new construction.

Quality control

The quality of finished products and raw materials used in production is controlled by the production laboratory. It is equipped with modern measuring equipment, which makes it possible to carry out qualitative and quantitative control of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

Social responsibility

  • The enterprise provides the local population, workers of various specializations and education, with jobs and counteracts the outflow of highly qualified specialists, such as electric and gas welders, construction engineers, fitters, design engineers, and others abroad.
  • The company is a responsible taxpayer to local and state budgets.
  • In times of severe epidemiological situations in the country, the company provides wages to all employees who already work at the plant and continues to create new jobs.
  • Our enterprises develop small and medium businesses, contribute to maintaining a stable economic background in the region and the country.


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