15/09/2021Просмотров: 613

AES Group solar power plants paid UAH 2.7 mln in taxes for 8 months of 2021

AES Group investment industrial group – is one of the largest taxpayers in Kharkiv region including among producers of electricity from renewable energy sources. In 2020 the tax payments of solar power plants which are a part of AES Group investment industrial group “ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOLAR”, “BORKY SOLAR”, “SOLAR SOLUTIONS UKRAINE” to state budgets of Ukraine of all levels amounted almost 3.5 mln UAH. Since the beginning of 2021 the amount of taxes paid has already reached 2.7 million UAH.

The strategy of AES Group is in line with the Energy Strategy of Ukraine under the Paris Climate Agreement and develops this direction through solar power generation.  Green portfolio of AES Group today is 10.1 MW and is represented by solar power plants with capacity of 3.9 MW, 2.2 MW and 4 MW, located in Kharkiv region.

During 8 months of 2021, solar power plants produced 9,890.236 MW of electricity. This made it possible to supply electricity to about 50,000 households.

AES Group plans to build another power plant with a capacity of 8 MW.


“AES Group is one of the largest domestic investors in the Ukrainian economy. We believe that a successful private business which is trusted by partners and society is a guarantee of a strong and stably developing country. AES Group investments in energy sector allow creating new jobs and building an energy independent Ukraine while filling local and state budgets at the expense of paid taxes”, – comments Konstantin Valeulin, President of AES Group investment industrial group.


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